EzriCare® Artificial Tears, an over the counter eyedrop product used for dry eyes has recently been linked to various types of infections, including infections that may cause vision damage. Aru Pharma, Inc. formulated,...
Resources & Blog
Not Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim for Fear of Retaliation
January 23, 2023
Unfortunately, many hardworking individuals who sustained injuries while in the course of their employment are reluctant to file claims with the Workers’ Compensation Commission and obtain benefits under the Act for fear...
Closing complications : Solar Panels
January 5, 2023
The sale of an existing home with solar panels will likely require extra planning and negotiation. Most solar panels are installed under a lease agreement with a solar power company, many of which extend for a twenty-year...
Mental Illness and the Probate Court
December 20, 2022
Individuals may petition the Probate Court to involuntarily commit a gravely disabled person or a person at serious risk of harming him or herself or others. A gravely disabled person is one who is unable to address basic...
November 21, 2022
The longer I practice law, the more issues I come across. With the pandemic and related changes over the past few years, more and more individuals have contacted me about naming agents for their financial or health care...